There is so much information available on nutrition these days, you may find yourself wondering what to believe when you start to research. From the Keto diet to low-carb to Paleo, it’s often hard to know which way is the right way, nutritionally speaking.
Proper nutrition is extremely important for everyone, therefore proper baby nutrition is an absolute must to give your child the best start in life. From introducing baby’s first foods to the toddler years, your baby needs to consume the correct nutrients to make sure they have the best chance at being healthy and developing to their full potential.
A lot of first-time parents might feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information out there on baby nutrition, and not all of it is completely accurate. Never fear, we are here to help sort through the mountain of misinformation and misleading claims. You may be confused and concerned, but feeding your children properly is not as difficult as it sounds.
Keep reading to learn more about how to keep your little ones healthy and happy with optimal baby nutrition.
Start Out Simple
For the first six months of your baby’s life, the choice of foods will be pretty simple. You are either going to breastfeed or you’ll use baby formula. You really don’t have any other choices during this time frame and there are pros and cons to each of the options.
Just keep in mind that your baby requires very specific nutrition at this stage of life which is why breast milk is best. There are specific things in breast milk that you just can’t get in infant formula and while we understand that some women either can’t or choose not to even try breastfeeding, there is no denying that breast milk is fall superior to formula. During the first six months of your baby’s life, it is the perfect time to have your photography session. Whether you are looking to photograph them as a newborn or waiting until they are a few months older, check out Lollie Claire Photography, your little one is in safe hands with her.
Breast milk contains exactly what your baby needs and can change every feeding to give them what they need! There are many years of research to back up the benefits of breastfeeding so you should always breastfeed your baby if it is an option.
Time To Experiment
Once your little one hits six months, you’ll be able to have a bit more fun with your baby’s diet. You still want to follow quite a strict diet nutrition-wise, but now you can introduce some soft foods and you’ll have more options other than breast milk or formula. Depending on how picky of an eater you are dealing with, you will be surprised at what they might take to.
You should start slowly, giving them one thing at a time, and waiting a few days to make sure they handle it well. This solid food is not going to be their main source of nutrition just yet, it’s more about getting them used to eating it. Try not to give them any sort of junk foods, and keep it as fresh and natural as you can – soft fruits and vegetables, as well as yogurts, are great things to start off with.
Someone’s Getting Hungry
Over the next few months, you will notice a massive improvement in how your baby handles meal time. They will start reaching for solid foods that you put in front of them and they may even try to feed themselves. Your choice of foods here is absolutely crucial as part of their natural development.
While processed foods and junk foods may seem very easy and convenient for busy parents, don’t fall into the trap of taking the easy way out – your child will thank you in the future. Getting them used to eating healthy fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains early on will ensure proper nutrition and set them on a good nutritional path in life.
Healthy Food Is The Key
Ensuring that your baby receives proper nutrition is not rocket science, it just takes a bit of effort and planning. If you start with healthy eating at a young age, staying healthy for the rest of their lives will be much easier. You shouldn’t rush your baby to try new foods, simply try a few things and see what comes naturally. As long as they’re eating good food, they will have the best chance at developing well.