Faith Archives • The Fashionable Housewife Because Moms Should Look Good, Too! Tue, 24 Oct 2023 03:09:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Faith Archives • The Fashionable Housewife 32 32 Expressing Christianity Through Clothing: A Testament of Faith Mon, 23 Oct 2023 14:43:00 +0000 Clothing has always played a significant role in human society, reflecting cultural values, personal style, and social identity. For Christians, clothing becomes a unique avenue for expressing their faith, devotion, and adherence to religious principles. In this exploration of “Expressing Christianity Through Clothing,” the diverse ways in which people of Christian faith incorporate their beliefsContinue Reading

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Clothing has always played a significant role in human society, reflecting cultural values, personal style, and social identity. For Christians, clothing becomes a unique avenue for expressing their faith, devotion, and adherence to religious principles. In this exploration of “Expressing Christianity Through Clothing,” the diverse ways in which people of Christian faith incorporate their beliefs into their attire are examined, whether through modest dress, religious symbols, or clerical garments.

Modesty and Christian Values

Modesty is a cornerstone of Christian faith and is often reflected in clothing choices. Many Christian denominations emphasize the importance of modest dress as a way to honor God and show humility. Modesty in clothing often involves covering certain areas of the body to avoid drawing undue attention to oneself, allowing one’s character and faith to shine through.

1. Modest Dress for Worship

Christian people often choose modest attire when attending church services or religious gatherings. Dresses or skirts covering the knees, conservative necklines, and sleeves are commonly preferred. This reflects the belief that modesty allows individuals to focus on their faith and worship rather than on physical appearances. In some religious buildings, it is also required for women to cover their hair and for men to remove any head covering. 

2. Purity and Abstinence Rings

Some Christian youths wear purity or abstinence rings as symbols of their commitment to remain chaste until marriage. These rings serve as a constant reminder of their Christian values and the importance of purity, often engraved with scriptures or religious messages.

Religious Symbols and Iconography

Religious symbols hold profound meaning for Christians, and incorporating them into clothing is a way to outwardly display their faith.

1. Christian T Shirts

Christian T-shirts are more than just articles of clothing; they are powerful expressions of faith and identity. These shirts often feature biblical verses, inspirational quotes, or religious imagery, serving as a tangible way for believers to share their convictions with the world. Wearing a Christian-themed T-shirt can be a personal reminder of one’s spiritual journey and a way to initiate meaningful conversations about Christianity. These garments transcend fashion; they symbolize devotion, unity, and a commitment to the Christian faith. By donning a Christian T-shirt, individuals proudly display their beliefs and connect with a community that shares their devotion to Christ.

2. The Cross

The cross, perhaps the most universally recognized Christian symbol, holds profound significance. Beyond adorning churches and altars, it finds its way into everyday wear as pendants on necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. This simple yet powerful emblem serves as a constant reminder of Christ’s selfless sacrifice, embodying the core message of Christianity – redemption and salvation through unwavering faith in Jesus. Wearing the cross is not merely a fashion choice; it is a deeply personal and spiritual one. It signifies a commitment to the teachings of Christ and offers solace in the knowledge of His enduring love and grace.

3. Fish Symbol (Ichthys)

The Ichthys, often referred to as the fish symbol, holds a special place in Christian iconography. This ancient emblem, dating back to the early days of the church, continues to be a significant representation of faith. Many Christians choose to wear jewelry adorned with this symbol, which conveys Christ’s role as the “fisher of men” – a metaphor highlighting His mission to draw humanity into a deeper spiritual connection. Wearing the Ichthys is a testament to one’s Christian identity, symbolizing the enduring call to follow Christ’s teachings and the hope of spiritual transformation through His grace.

Clerical Garments and Vestments

Within Christian clergy, specific garments and vestments hold significant religious and ceremonial importance. These garments distinguish clergy members and reflect their roles within the church.

1. The Clerical Collar

Many Christian clergy members, such as priests and ministers, wear a distinctive clerical collar. This white or black collar, often with a tab in the front, signifies their ordained status and reminds them of their pastoral responsibilities.

2. Liturgical Vestments

During religious ceremonies, clergy members often wear elaborate liturgical vestments. For example, the chasuble, a sleeveless outer vestment, is worn by priests during the celebration of the Eucharist. Each vestment carries specific symbolism and liturgical significance.


Cultural and Denominational Variations

Christian expression through clothing varies across cultures and denominations, reflecting diverse interpretations of faith and tradition.

1. Amish Dress

The Amish community places a strong emphasis on modesty and simplicity in their clothing. Amish women wear long dresses with aprons, while men don traditional black or dark-colored suits and broad-brimmed hats. Their clothing choices align with their commitment to humility, separation from the world, and submission to God’s will.

2. Liturgical Colors

In certain Christian traditions, the use of liturgical colors in attire holds profound symbolism. For instance, during the seasons of Advent and Lent, clergy members don purple vestments to signify a period of penitence, reflection, and preparation. The choice of color extends beyond aesthetics; it serves as a visual reminder of the spiritual journey.

On the contrary, the color white takes center stage during Easter, symbolizing the joyous occasion of Christ’s resurrection and victory over sin and death. Liturgical colors, thus, serve as a visual language within the faith, communicating the profound theological truths and emotions associated with each season of the liturgical calendar.

3. African and Indigenous Christian Attire

In Africa and among indigenous Christian communities worldwide, clothing often incorporates traditional cultural elements alongside Christian symbols. This blending of faith and heritage celebrates both Christianity and cultural identity.

Clothing is more than just fabric; it is a canvas upon which Christians express their faith, values, and devotion. From modest dress to religious symbols and from clerical vestments to cultural adaptations, Christians use clothing to make a public declaration of their relationship with God. Clothing becomes a living testimony, a tangible reminder of their spiritual journey and commitment to following the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this way, the faithful transform everyday attire into an expression of their Christian identity and an invitation to share their beliefs with the world.

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Baptist vs Church of Christ: What’s the Difference? Mon, 23 Oct 2023 03:02:23 +0000 Do you have a spiritual question you’ve longed to answer? Home and abroad, there are over two billion Christians in the world. Perhaps this makes it hard for you to find the right one. No matter how much time you’ve spent looking, there shouldn’t be a problem understanding the Baptist vs. Church of Christ debate.Continue Reading

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Do you have a spiritual question you’ve longed to answer? Home and abroad, there are over two billion Christians in the world. Perhaps this makes it hard for you to find the right one.

No matter how much time you’ve spent looking, there shouldn’t be a problem understanding the Baptist vs. Church of Christ debate.

While they may differ in certain issues, they both live in peace and under the guidance of God. Today, we’ll discuss the differences between the Baptist vs Church of Christ.

Beliefs About Baptism

Baptists believe in believer’s baptism, meaning that people can only be baptized if they publicly say they believe in Jesus Christ. They do baptism by immersion, meaning the baptized person is fully submerged in water.

The Church of Christ also does baptism by immersion, but they believe in a different religious idea called baptismal regeneration. They teach that baptism is necessary to forgive sins and receive the Holy Spirit and that it is done to both adults and babies who believe in God.

Church Structure

Most Baptist churches have a system called “congregational” or “independent,” which means that each local church is independent and runs itself without a central leader. Pastors or preachers usually lead the congregation.

The Church of Christ also uses a congregational model. Still, its organization is usually more centralized, with elders and deacons in charge of each congregation. They stress the value of local freedom, but their practices and beliefs are often more similar from congregation to congregation.

Worship Practices

Some Baptist churches follow a standard liturgical style for their worship services, while others take a more modern approach. Baptist churches can have different kinds of music, including hymns and modern praise songs. If you’re interested in experiencing Southern Baptist worship, you can often listen to Southern Baptist sermons online to get a sense of their teachings and practices.

Most of the time, people in the Church of Christ celebrate by singing a cappella, which means they don’t use musical instruments. They put a lot of weight on staying simple while gathering and following the rules they think are in the New Testament.

Views on Salvation

Baptists believe in a view of salvation called “sola fide,” which says that forgiveness comes from faith alone in Jesus Christ. They believe in permanent security, which means that once a person is saved, they can never lose their salvation.

The Church of Christ teaches that people can be saved by having faith, changing their minds, confessing their faith, and getting baptized. They believe that obeying God is the only way to be saved, and they don’t believe in eternal protection. 


The Lord’s Supper, or communion, is a way for Baptists to remember Christ’s suffering. It is usually done less often, like once a month or every three months.

Communion is a very important part of the Church of Christ’s worship event every Sunday. They think that Christ is present in the Eucharist and see it as a way to receive grace.

Unraveling the Spiritual Contrast Between Baptist vs Church of Christ

In conclusion, while Baptist and Church of Christ denominations share many similarities, key differences exist in their beliefs and practices. It is important to carefully consider these distinctions and continue to research church history to find the truth.

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*The Fashionable Housewife and Fashionable Media do not personally hold the views and opinions contained within this informational article.

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The Significance of Prayer Candles, Rosaries, and Crucifixes in Motherhood Sun, 16 Apr 2023 23:08:34 +0000 As a mother, finding time for self-care and spiritual connection to Jesus can often feel like a luxury. However, incorporating spiritual tools into your daily routine can offer peace, comfort, and strength to benefit you and your family. Prayer candles, rosaries, and crucifixes are just a few examples of spiritual tools that can provide comfortContinue Reading

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As a mother, finding time for self-care and spiritual connection to Jesus can often feel like a luxury. However, incorporating spiritual tools into your daily routine can offer peace, comfort, and strength to benefit you and your family.

Prayer candles, rosaries, and crucifixes are just a few examples of spiritual tools that can provide comfort and support for mothers. These tools have a long history in the Church and can serve as a reminder of the power of prayer.

The Power of Prayer Candles

Prayer candles have been used for centuries in various spiritual traditions, and their significance is deeply rooted in Church history and symbolism. Lighting a candle can be a powerful form of prayer and meditation, allowing mothers to find inner peace. The warm glow of a candle can create a serene atmosphere as well, providing a physical representation of the spiritual light that illuminates our lives. 

Additionally, different types of candles hold various meanings and can be used to set specific intentions or honor particular saints or deities. For instance, a white candle represents purity and peace, while a red candle is often used for strength and courage. Understanding the history and symbolism of prayer candles can deepen our spiritual practice and help us to connect more fully with God.

Using Prayer Candles, Rosaries, and Crucifixes in Motherhood

Incorporating prayer candles, rosaries, and crucifixes into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective way to deepen your spiritual practice. One way to start is by setting aside a few moments each day for quiet reflection or prayer. During this time, you can light a candle and hold your rosary or look at a crucifix, focusing your attention on His will and setting an intention for the day ahead. Additionally, you can use these spiritual tools during more stressful moments, such as before a big meeting or when dealing with a challenging situation at home. By regularly using prayer candles, rosaries, and crucifixes, you can create a sense of calm and inner peace that can help you navigate the demands of motherhood.

Tips on Choosing the Right Prayer Candles, Rosary, and Crucifix

Choosing the right candle, rosary, or crucifix can be a personal decision that depends on your spiritual beliefs and preferences. When selecting a candle, consider the color and scent that resonates with you and the intention you want to set. Consider the materials and design that best reflect your spiritual practice for rosaries and crucifixes. It can also be helpful to set a specific intention when using these tools, whether for patience, gratitude, or healing. By setting a clear intention and using these spiritual tools with purpose, you can deepen your connection to your spiritual practice and find greater peace and comfort in your daily life.

How Prayer Candles, Rosaries, and Crucifixes Help Mothers

There are countless stories of how prayer candles, rosaries, and crucifixes have helped mothers find strength, comfort, and peace in their daily lives. For example, a mother might light a candle before praying in the morning, setting the intention to stay calm and focused that day. Or, a mother might use her rosary during a quiet moment before bed, reflecting on the day’s blessings and asking for guidance in the challenges ahead. These spiritual tools can offer support and guidance, reminding mothers that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is always a higher power ready to provide comfort and guidance. God has always got your back!

The Significance of Rosaries and Crucifixes

Rosaries and crucifixes hold deep significance in many faith traditions, particularly in Catholicism. Here are a few points to consider:

  • Rosaries are often used in Catholicism to pray the Hail Mary and other prayers, with each bead representing a specific prayer or intention. The repetition of the prayers can help to quiet the mind and deepen one’s spiritual connection.
  • Crucifixes are a powerful symbol of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, serving as a reminder of the ultimate act of love and selflessness. 
  • When using rosaries and crucifixes in conjunction with prayer candles, they can serve to deepen one’s spiritual practice and provide a tangible connection to one’s faith. Focusing on the prayers and symbols can create a sense of peace and comfort and deepen our spiritual connection.
  • To use a rosary or crucifix for prayer and meditation, it’s important to approach them with reverence and intention. Choose the right rosary beads or crucifix, set a specific intention or prayer, and focus on the symbolism and prayers as you use them.


Prayer candles, rosaries, and crucifixes hold deep significance for many mothers and can serve as powerful tools for cultivating daily peace, comfort, and strength. Mothers can connect with God by lighting a candle, holding a rosary, or wearing a crucifix and tap into the spiritual connection with Jesus that sustains us in challenging times.

Whether you’re a practitioner or new to these practices, incorporating prayer candles, rosaries, and crucifixes into your daily routine can be a perfect way to deepen your spiritual connection and find greater peace and comfort in your life as a mother. So why not see how these tools can support and guide your journey to Jesus?

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8 Surprising Facts About Saints You Probably Didn’t Know Fri, 10 Jun 2022 03:05:50 +0000 Every saint has their own story and some people choose to believe in it or not. People who believe in them often call them for help depending on the situation they are in. Some saints are still much more popular among the believers, while others are almost forgotten. It’s normal to learn about a newContinue Reading

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Photo by Nick Castelli on Unsplash of a stained glass window at the St. Therese of Lisieux R.C. Church in Montauk, NY

Every saint has their own story and some people choose to believe in it or not. People who believe in them often call them for help depending on the situation they are in. Some saints are still much more popular among the believers, while others are almost forgotten. It’s normal to learn about a new saint every day because people know about different saints and they have a huge meaning for them. There are a lot of little-known facts about many saints that serve God and help people in various situations, so it’s always a good idea to know something new related to it:

Miracles at the grave of St. Elizabeth of Hungary 

St. Elizabeth of Hungary is a patron saint of all nurses, hospitals, homeless and sick people, as well as widows and brides. In the XII century, she met St. Francis of Assisi and accepted his ideals from where she began her work in the charity. When she died, many people witnessed miracles at her grave, as well as at her hospital, built for many kids, homeless people, etc. St. Elizabeth of Hungary feast day is still celebrated in the Church of England every year on the 18th of November.

St. Francis of Assisi received Stigmata 

St. Francis lived a luxurious life and came from a family of privilege. In the period when he was a soldier and war prisoner, he heard God’s voice and started to serve God. He was so successful in his missions that he became the most respectful saint for the Catholics. St. Francis of Assisi is the first saint who received the Christ wounds on his hands, called Stigmata.  

St. Patrick is not from Ireland

The patron of Ireland, St. Patrick is not an Irish at all, even if he is the symbol of Ireland. Scotland is the country where he was born, but he was abandoned by pirates on the Irish coast. After he escaped from his abundance at the age of 20, he was named a missionary and got his popularity after his preaching throughout Ireland.

St. Fabian became a pope accidentally

As a novelist, Fabian was not interested in any church work or ministry. When he was on a vacation in Rome, the ruling pope Anterus suddenly died. Fabian saw the crowd for his funeral and wanted to be a part of it. At that event, a new pope election took place randomly with the help of a pigeon. When a pigeon fell on Fabian’s head, all the people started to celebrate him as the new pope of Rome.

St. Sebastian’s unfortunate death

St. Sebastian was a warrior and a captain of the boat of Praetorian guards. When his boat was abandoned and he was caught being Christian, the king ordered St. Sebastian to be killed by a bow and arrow. He somehow survived their attempt to kill him, and the king executed him personally after that.

St. Jerome has a lion as a pet

St. Jerome is a popular saint known for his efforts to translate the Bible from Greek and Hebrew to Latin. One day when he saw a lion in a painful situation with a thorn in his paw, he suddenly wanted to help him. St. Jerome removed it from the paw and the lion became his pet calmly and quietly.  

St. Ignatius collaborated with a donkey for a murder

Ignatius was a young man who was riding a donkey across Spain for his mission. On the road, he met a Muslim who started to speak about his faith and argue with him. The angry Muslim walked away and said something bad for the Virgin Mary. When St. Ignatius heard him, he wanted to murder him and included the donkey to decide about it. If the donkey followed the Muslim, St. Ignatius needed to kill him, or if not, to have mercy for him. Luckily for the Muslim, the donkey chose another direction and he survived.   

St. Clare stopped the war attack with the Blessed Sacrament

St. Clare is a founder of “Poor Clares” and the protector of nuns. She always carried the Blessed Sacrament on the walls of her convent to move away from the war attackers. Once the attackers came to her convent, she fell to her knees and started to pray, so the attack was immediately stopped as a miracle. 


There is a story behind every saint and interesting facts, myths, and legends are told around. People still celebrate and call many saints which means that they are still popular in the Catholic faith. Finding out new saints that you didn’t know ever existed is normal because there are SO many! Keep researching little-known facts about different saints and deepen your faith. 

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How To Make Your Mind More Peaceful Fri, 04 Mar 2022 02:41:59 +0000 Pretty much everyone in the world could benefit from having a more peaceful mind. Although this is certainly true, most people don’t really know how to go about getting it, and the result of that is a lot of needless and unnecessary suffering that could actually be easily avoided. If you are aware that youContinue Reading

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Pretty much everyone in the world could benefit from having a more peaceful mind. Although this is certainly true, most people don’t really know how to go about getting it, and the result of that is a lot of needless and unnecessary suffering that could actually be easily avoided. If you are aware that you could probably have a more peaceful mind, but you are not entirely sure about how to make it a reality, then read on.

In this article, we are going to take you through some of the most effective and efficient ways to make your mind genuinely more peaceful. All of the following is going to make that so much easier for you to do, and you will find that your quality of life improves greatly as a result. Let’s take a look right now.

Find The Time To Meditate

Arguably one of the very best things you can do if you are experiencing a lot of anxiety and want to make your mind more peaceful is to meditate and pray. This is something that a lot of people are keen to do, but it can be hard to find the time to do it. There is an old Zen joke that says you should meditate for twenty minutes each day – unless you are too busy, in which case you should meditate for an hour. This speaks to a basic truth about how time functions in our minds: if you are rushed off your feet, you’ll feel as though you have no spare time at all, even though you can actually always make more if you really want to.

Once you start making the time to meditate, you’ll notice huge changes in your mental health, and in particular you will start to feel more at peace before you know it. To find the time to meditate on the word of God and pray, set out a daily practice window of around half an hour, and make sure you stick to it. Tell your family that you are not reachable during that half hour, too, just to avoid any distractions. Make sure you find a good place to sit where you won’t be disturbed, and then pray a rosary.

You can even recite some prayers for anxiety before going to sleep or before starting your day. All of this can be a great help to you.

Doing this once a day could change your life, and it will certainly improve your peace of mind naturally and easily, so make sure that you are thinking about doing this at the very least. Give it a go and see what happens.

Clear Out Your Home

Research has shown that having a messy home can make your mind feel messy. In fact, you can go so far as to say that your home is usually a pretty accurate reflection of your state of mind. When the mind is calm, the home is generally calm too. You should therefore make sure that you are approaching this from both sides of the equation. As well as trying to keep your mind calm in order to improve your home, work on keeping your home clear so that your mind can be clear too.

This is all about getting rid of all those things you don’t really need, and making space in the home in which you can then relax. If you identify a lot of items to get rid of, but you don’t really know how to do it, try to find storage fast and put it in there for the time being while you work it all out. You will at least have an emptier home, and your mind will be so much more peaceful in general.

Notice Your Judgements

Everyone has their own internal judgements, and in a way they are perfectly natural. They can however be quite unhelpful too, and you might find that it is important to be able to work on these as best as you can. If you have a lot of judgements in particular, this can mean that you struggle to keep your mind clear to the necessary degree, and that can be a real nuisance for most people. So it’s best to overcome and work with these, if possible.

This process is simply a case of watching your mind more so that you can start to appreciate what judgements appear and when, and why it is that they crop up. Then you can start to let them go, one by one, as you see through them for the resistance that they are. This practice is a powerful one, and it will melt away your stress and the chaos in your mind, replacing it with peace and calm.

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How to Be an Unwavering Christian Woman of God Sun, 19 Dec 2021 17:54:16 +0000 As a woman juggling multiple responsibilities, you inevitably feel burdened by realistic and unrealistic expectations. Being a strong woman of God equates ensuring that each role you play gives glory to your Creator. The results are rewarding when you strive for perfection with a spiritual factor motivating you always. You may be battling with brokennessContinue Reading

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As a woman juggling multiple responsibilities, you inevitably feel burdened by realistic and unrealistic expectations. Being a strong woman of God equates ensuring that each role you play gives glory to your Creator. The results are rewarding when you strive for perfection with a spiritual factor motivating you always.

You may be battling with brokenness within but, setting your mind on goals that go beyond mere earthly pleasures keeps your focus intact. When you encounter daily challenges, seeking the Lord’s presence and guidance in your life is sure to awaken you. God has a plan set for you and opens doors for your greater good.

Become an Unwavering Christian Lady Disciple

Doing justice to your spiritual, personal, and professional demands is impossible without the timely intervention of your Heavenly Father. Allowing the Good Lord’s will to be done by keeping an open heart brings healing and balance, making you a strong woman of God. 

When you embrace His everlasting presence, the power of God can transform your heart. Setting your heart on pleasing your Creator makes you a positive influence for those you come in contact with. Placing your trust in the Lord and obeying His commandments keeps you grounded. 

His grace enables you to cope with your human imperfections and live by what the scriptures preach. To become an unwavering Godly woman, aspire to cultivate the following attributes: 

  1. Raise Children in the Faith

Motherhood is the most revered responsibility in the Holy Bible. With a selfless and loving attitude, you care for your children, and in that, God sees your greatness. 

This Godly act of service can change the world, especially when you instill in your little one the seeds of Christianity. Lead impressionable minds to Christ and allow Him to profoundly influence your kid’s thought process. Raising a Catholic family and living your Faith is a huge blessing.

  1. Display Modest and Humble Traits

Modesty is not limited to your attire but must also reflect in your spirit. A modest nature values God’s commands and cares for others’ needs without expecting praise in return. Your humility encourages you to admit when wrong, seek forgiveness in all earnestness, and profess your Godliness through your good deeds. Being around other Catholic moms will help cultivate this lifestyle and make it come second nature.

  1. Preach the Good News

Educate others about God’s kingdom and propagate His teachings more effectively by practicing what you preach. Loving your family and doing for them unconditionally is a Godly act. So is refraining from allowing feelings of anger, gossip, and selfishness to dominate your behavior. 

A rock-solid and united home contribute to laying a solid foundation for the house of God. Mentoring someone younger places you at the receiving end of the Lord’s abundant blessings, as does exercising self-control.

  1. Practice Kindness 

As straightforward as being kind may appear, holding on to grudges is a trait most associated with the female gender. Letting go of hurts by forgiving those responsible for inflicting them on you requires a big heart. 

The Almighty grants you the grace to practice and spread the virtue of kindness in all your interactions. You become an unwavering Christian woman of faith and a Godly woman when you make kindness a way of life.

  1. Place God First

Loving the Good Lord with all your heart and soul and placing Him above all else makes you an ardent disciple of your Creator. You enter into innumerable relationships from a family and friendship perspective as a Godly woman. 

Valuing and nurturing the relationship you share with God brings you closer to receiving His divine grace. Through prayer, reading the scriptures, and acknowledging His mighty presence, you inch closer to becoming a Godly woman and having the peace of God.

Make your faith a priority by embracing a community of women believers rooted in Christianity. Find a Catholic church near you and go to a Mass as soon as you can. You will then willingly and convincingly live by God’s preaching.

The post How to Be an Unwavering Christian Woman of God appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.
