Dukan Diet Archives • The Fashionable Housewife https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/category/dukan-diet/ Because Moms Should Look Good, Too! Thu, 17 Oct 2019 14:39:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/cropped-housewife-32x32.png Dukan Diet Archives • The Fashionable Housewife https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/category/dukan-diet/ 32 32 The Dukan Diet – Round 3 (Because of Baby #4) https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/the-dukan-diet-round-3-because-of-baby-4/ Mon, 08 Jan 2018 13:01:46 +0000 https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/?p=60828 New year, new you! Or new me rather. It’s time for me to do the Dukan Diet again because of baby #4! I got pregnant with my 4th child in August 2016 before completing Dukan Diet Round 2. I got down to 120lbs, 10 pounds away from my goal and I did not get toContinue Reading

The post The Dukan Diet – Round 3 (Because of Baby #4) appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.

New year, new you! Or new me rather. It’s time for me to do the Dukan Diet again because of baby #4!

I got pregnant with my 4th child in August 2016 before completing Dukan Diet Round 2. I got down to 120lbs, 10 pounds away from my goal and I did not get to complete the consolidation phase of the Dukan Diet, which is CRITICAL, so as soon as the morning sickness hit me and I started eating carbs to settle my stomach, I very quickly started gaining the weight back.

I ended up gaining the most I’ve ever gained with a pregnancy this time. I weighed 177 pounds the day before I gave birth!!

Unlike the last three times I gave birth, I only lost 20 pounds within 2 weeks of giving birth instead of 30 pounds. This left me very unhappily at 156 lbs, 10 pounds heavier than I’ve ever been non-pregnant. None of my clothes fit me and I felt worse than I ever have about my body. I was so big that 90% of my maternity clothes didn’t even fit!

I normally wait till my babies are about 18 months old and they are only breastfeeding at night before I attempt to change my diet. My milk supply was really finicky with my first child so it made me too nervous to jeopardize it in an effort to lose weight. However, this time I just couldn’t wait. I don’t even fit into my “fat clothes” and I’m constantly preoccupied with how horrible I feel in my own skin.

post-partum body
I look at pictures of myself and think “that’s just not me!”  Over the summer, all I could think about when I wasn’t looking at my sweet baby boy’s face was how fat I felt and that thought was taking up more of my brain cells than was healthy or necessary.

So January 1st, I decided it was time to buckle down and do The Dukan Diet, round 3! I’m going to attempt to keep my milk supply up with Milkflow and Milk Machine from Euphoric Herbals, which I’ve had great success with before. Fingers crossed! (And stay tuned for posts about introducing solids and homemade baby food!)

I lost 20 pounds in 2 months on The Dukan Diet back in 2012, and then I lost 20 pounds in 2016, so I know I can be successful on this diet again. This time I need to lose at least 35 pounds which seems insurmountable right now but I have to do it. For me.

TFH’s Round 3 of The Dukan Diet

On January 1st, 2018, I started the Attack Phase of The Dukan Diet. My starting weight was 150 lbs. My New Year’s Resolution is to get in shape, eat healthy, and get down to at least 120 lbs by May 1st.

Ideally, I’d like to get down to 115 lbs but Dukan calculated my “True Weight” as 117 lbs based on my age and the number of children I’ve had. Click here to calculate your true weight.

Starting Weight: 150 lbs
Goal Weight: 115 lbs 
Trying to Lose: 35 pounds

Please take note that I am a PETITE 5’2″ small framed girl
and I have weighed between 100 and 110 lbs most of my adult life
(excluding during pregnancy and while breastfeeding).
*My doctor has approved my weight loss goal!


Attack Phase:

  • Day 1 – I weighed in at 150.2 lbs (35 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 2 – I weighed in at 148.4 lbs (33 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 3 – I weighed in at 146.6 lbs (31 lbs over goal weight)

Cruise Phase:

  • Day 4 – I weighed in at 145.7 lbs (30 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 5 – I weighed in at 146.2 lbs (31 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 6 – I weighed in at 144.6 lbs (29 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 7 – I weighed in at 145.5 lbs (30 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 2 – 142.2
  • Week 3 – 139.8
  • Week 4 – 138.2
  • Week 5 – 136.2
  • Week 6 – 135.4 (20 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 7 – 134.0
  • Week 8 – 132.9


Making progress! 17 more pounds to go!

  • Week 9 – 132.7 (cheated 2x this week!)
  • Week 10 – 131.2 (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 11 – 130.4 (15 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 12 – 128.2 (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 13 – 128.8 (cheated on Easter – ate carrot cake and chocolate!)
  • Week 14 – 128.2 (still 13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 15 – 127.2 (12 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 16 – 126.6 (11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 17 – 126.2 (still 11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 18 – 125.6 (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 19 – 125.2 (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 20 – 125.0 (10 lbs over goal weight)

Sophie & Trey Dress

Only 10 more pounds to go!

  • Week 21 – 124.6 (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 22 – 124.2 (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 23 – 123.6 (8 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 24 – 122.4 (7 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 25 – 122.2 (7 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 26 – 121.6 (6 lbs over goal weight)

Today's Outfit: Stars & Stripes for 4th of July

Only 6 more pounds to go!

  • Week 27 – 123.6 (8 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 28 – 123.4 (8 lbs over goal weight)

Babywearing in the water

Only 6 more pounds to go!

  • Week 29 – 121.6 (6 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 30 – 124.8 (9 lbs over goal weight) (Got my first post-pregnancy period.)
  • Week 31 – 124.8 (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 32 – 124.2 (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 33 – 124.4 (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 34 – 124.6 (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Week 35 – 126.8 (11 lbs over goal weight) (Got my second period)
  • Week 36 – 124.8 (9 lbs over goal weight)

9/10/2018: Apparently, my body is a little confused about what it’s doing now. It’s not responding to dieting or exercise, and it’s not having a regular 28 day menstrual cycle like I normally would after getting my cycle back, so I’m not sure what to do at this point! I’m pretty frustrated and would like to lose more weight but my body seems to have really put the breaks on that.

MegaGlo Body Luminizer

11/27/2018: I got really fed up of sitting at 124 lbs so I started exercising 8 weeks ago with Gilad (he’s my absolute favorite thing in the world). I’ve lost 6 pounds in 8 weeks and I feel GREAT!

I mean, just look at those arms, eh?! I don’t know about you but I just feel super duper when my arms look good. That alone makes me feel thinner than I am. I’m actually down to 118.6, just one pound away from my “Dukan Diet True Weight” and 3 pounds away from my personal goal. It’s so close I CAN TASTE IT!

Click here to learn more about The Dukan Diet and how it works!

Disclaimer: I received complementary copies of the Dukan Diet book, The Dukan Cookbook, The Dukan Diet Made Easy book as well as a box of Dukan Organic Oat Bran and Dukan Cocoa Powder to review on The Fashionable Housewife. I am not being paid to do The Dukan Diet! Posting about my weight loss is entirely my choice. I chose to blog about my personal weight loss experience in order to help others. Please email me or leave a comment if you have any questions!

The post The Dukan Diet – Round 3 (Because of Baby #4) appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.

The Dukan Diet – Round 2 (Because of Baby #3) https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/the-dukan-diet-round-2-after-baby-3/ https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/the-dukan-diet-round-2-after-baby-3/#comments Sat, 20 Feb 2016 16:02:24 +0000 https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/?p=53353 It’s time for me to do the Dukan Diet again. After having my third child in May of 2014, I lost a considerable amount of weight the first week and then stalled around 135-140 pounds. I continued to weigh that much for the past 20 months and I finally got SICK AND TIRED OF IT!Continue Reading

The post The Dukan Diet – Round 2 (Because of Baby #3) appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.

It’s time for me to do the Dukan Diet again. After having my third child in May of 2014, I lost a considerable amount of weight the first week and then stalled around 135-140 pounds. I continued to weigh that much for the past 20 months and I finally got SICK AND TIRED OF IT! It’s time to lose weight and feel like myself again.

I decided it was time to buckle down and do The Dukan Diet, round 2!

Because I successfully lost over 20 pounds in a little over 2 months on The Dukan Diet back in 2012, I knew I could be successful on this diet again.

Here is a BEFORE and AFTER from last time!
June 18, 2012 at 128 pounds and August 11, 2012 at 110 pounds.
In just 8 weeks I lost 18 pounds!!!

I did some casual dieting and exercise before going on The Dukan Diet the first time around, so I had actually lost around 10 pounds in the months before starting the Dukan Diet.  It took me a little less than 2 months to lose the last 20 pounds and reach my goal weight. You can read about round 1 here.

This time, I went right from pigging out over the holidays and gaining an extra 6 pounds (on top of the baby weight) to deciding to just drop it all cold turkey and start The Dukan Diet. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and we all know that it’s hard to have real confidence if you just don’t feel comfortable in your own body. None of my clothes fit and I refused to buy the next size up. I decided the extra weight had to GO!

mom of 3

The decision to start the Dukan Diet again was an easy one to make. Once I started though, I have to say it was a little bit more traumatic for me this time around since I had been eating so badly (ie. I ate basically whatever I wanted to). Going from pizza, nachos and ice cream every single day to eating nothing but lean meats and vegetables was admittedly unpleasant! I didn’t let that deter me though. Once I make a commitment, I stick to it no matter what. This is especially true for me when it comes to weight loss. Committing to a diet can be difficult but my personal mantra is “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”. It helps keep me motivated when Ben & Jerry’s looks inviting.

I realize that I don’t have a ton of weight to lose compared to some people, but that fact doesn’t sway me. I don’t compare myself to others when it comes to my body and neither should you. I don’t expect to look like a supermodel when I’m done losing this extra baby weight. I DO expect to feel a bit more like myself again and be healthier though! Whether you have 5 pounds to lose or 75 pounds to lose, YOU CAN DO IT.

Believe me, I do not take pleasure in telling the world about my weight issues, but in hopes of helping someone else lose weight and get healthy, I committed myself to blogging about my weight loss experience on The Dukan Diet again!


This is me on Feb 4th at 132 lbs (down 8 pounds!)
rocking a two piece for Target’s #NOFOMO Swimsuit / Body Confidence Campaign

TFH’s Round 2 of The Dukan Diet

On January 18th, I started the Attack Phase of The Dukan Diet. My starting weight was 140 lbs.

Starting Weight: 140 lbs
Goal Weight: 110 lbs (Dukan calculated my “True Weight” as 114lbs)
Trying to Lose: 30 pounds

(Please take note that I am a PETITE 5’2″ tall
and I have weighed between 100 and 110 lbs most of my adult life
(excluding during pregnancy and while breastfeeding).
My doctor has approved my weight loss goal so don’t give me flack!


Attack Phase:

  • Day 1 – I weighed in at 140.8 lbs (30 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 2 – I weighed in at 138.6 lbs (28 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 3 – I weighed in at 137.2 lbs (27 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 4 – I weighed in at 136.6 lbs (26 lbs over goal weight)

Cruise Phase:

  • Day 5 – I weighed in at 136.2 lbs (26 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 6 – I weighed in at 136.2 lbs (26 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 7 – I weighed in at 136.6 lbs (26 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 8 – I weighed in at 135.8 lbs (25 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 9 – I weighed in at 135.6 lbs (25 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 10 – I weighed in at 135.2 lbs (25 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 11 – I weighed in at 135.8 lbs (25 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 12 – I weighed in at 134.6 lbs (24 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 13 – I weighed in at 134.8 lbs (24 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 14 – I weighed in at 134.8 lbs (24 lbs over goal weight)


  • Day 15 – I weighed in at 133.6 lbs (23 lbs over goal weight
  • Day 16 – I weighed in at 133.6 lbs (23 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 17 – I weighed in at 132.8 lbs (22 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 18 – I weighed in at 132.8 lbs (22 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 19 – I weighed in at 132.6 lbs (22 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 20 – I weighed in at 133.8 lbs (23 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 21 – I weighed in at 133.4 lbs (23 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 22 – I weighed in at 131.2 lbs (21 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 23 – I weighed in at 132.2 lbs (22 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 24 – I weighed in at 132.0 lbs (22 lbs over goal weight) //started period //
  • Day 25 – I weighed in at 131.8 lbs (21 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 26 – I weighed in at 130.8 lbs (20 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 27 – I weighed in at 130.8 lbs (20 lbs over goal weight) //ended period//
  • Day 28 – I weighed in at 129.4 lbs (19 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 29 – I weighed in at 129.2 lbs (19 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 30 – I weighed in at 129.6 lbs (19 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 31 – I weighed in at 130.4 lbs (20 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 32 – I weighed in at 129.4 lbs (19 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 33 – I weighed in at 128.8 lbs (18 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 34 – I weighed in at 128.8 lbs (18 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 35 – I weighed in at 127.8 lbs (17 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 36 – I weighed in at 127.8 lbs (17 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 37 – I weighed in at 127.8 lbs (17 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 38 – I weighed in at 128.2 lbs (18 lbs over goal weight) // my birthday – I ate some gluten free brownies! :-o //
  • Day 39 – I weighed in at 128.8 lbs (18 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 40 – I weighed in at 128.4 lbs (18 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 41 – I weighed in at 127.8 lbs (17 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 42 – I weighed in at 126.4 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 43 – I weighed in at 126.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)


  • Day 44 – I weighed in at 125.2 lbs (15 lbs over goal weight) WOOT!
  • Day 45 – I weighed in at 125.2 lbs (15 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 46 – I weighed in at 125.2 lbs (15 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 47 – I weighed in at 126.4 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 48 – I weighed in at 126.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 49 – I weighed in at 126.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 50 – I weighed in at 126.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 51 – I weighed in at 126.6 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 52 – I weighed in at 125.8 lbs (15 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 53 – I weighed in at 126.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight) // started period
  • Day 54 – I weighed in at 125.0 lbs (15 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 55 – I weighed in at 124.4 lbs (14 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 56 – I weighed in at 124.2 lbs (14 lbs over goal weight) // ended period
  • Day 57 – I weighed in at 123.8 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 58 – I weighed in at 123.8 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 59 – I weighed in at 123.6 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 60 – I weighed in at 123.2 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 61 – I weighed in at 123.4 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 62 – I weighed in at 123.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 63 – I weighed in at 123.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 64 – I weighed in at 123.2 lbs (16 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 65 – I weighed in at 123.4 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 66 – I weighed in at 123.6 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 67 – I weighed in at 123.2 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 68 – I weighed in at 123.0 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 69 – I weighed in at 123.2 lbs (13 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 70 – I weighed in at 121.8 lbs (11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 71 – I weighed in at 121.4 lbs (11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 71 – I weighed in at 122.8 lbs (12 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 73 – I weighed in at 122.2 lbs (12 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 74 – I weighed in at 122.2 lbs (12 lbs over goal weight)


  • Day 75 – I weighed in at 121.2 lbs (11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 76 – I weighed in at 122.2 lbs (12 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 77 – I weighed in at 122.6 lbs (12 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 78 – I weighed in at 121.8 lbs (11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 79 – I weighed in at 120.8 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight) Finally!!!!
  • Day 80 – I weighed in at 120.8 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 81 – I weighed in at 121.2 lbs (11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 82 – I weighed in at 121.6 lbs (11 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 83 – I weighed in at 121.8 lbs (11 lbs over goal weight) // started period
  • Day 84 – I weighed in at 120.8 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 85 – I weighed in at 120.4 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 86 – I weighed in at 120.4 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight) // ended period
  • Day 87 – I weighed in at 120.4 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 88 – I weighed in at 119.8 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 89 – I weighed in at 119.8 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 90 – I weighed in at 119.6 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 91 – I weighed in at 119.4 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 92 – I weighed in at 119.6 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 93 – I weighed in at 119.6 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 94 – I weighed in at 119.8 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 95 – I weighed in at 120.2 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 96 – I weighed in at 120.4 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 97 – I weighed in at 119.8 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 98 – I weighed in at 119.4 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 99 – I weighed in at 119.4 lbs (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 100 – I weighed in at 120.2 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 101 – I weighed in at 120.8 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 102 – I weighed in at 120.2 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 103 – I weighed in at 120.2 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 104 – I weighed in at 120.2 lbs (10 lbs over goal weight)


  • Day 105 – I weighed in at 119.8 (9 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 136 – I weighed in at 117.6 (7 lbs over goal weight)

Was very frustrated this month. Got a knee injury that made it impossible to exercise or workout. Only lost 2 pounds this whole month because of it!


  • Day 137 – I weighed in at 117.8 (7 lbs over goal weight)
  • Day 167 – I weighed in at 117.6 (7 lbs over goal weight)

Even more frustrated this month. No time to make up for lost exercise last month. Didn’t lose any weight this month, despite sticking to the diet. Feeling very defeated!


  • Day 168 – I weighed in at 117.6 (7 lbs over goal weight)


  • Day 178 – I weighed in at 117.8 (7 lbs over goal weight) and found out I was pregnant with baby #4.


Morning sickness started pretty quickly and the only thing that would stay down was carbs so I gained weight very quickly and ended up at 177 pounds the day before I gave birth. May 2017, about 4 weeks postpartum I weighed 157 lbs, leaving me 40 pounds more than I weighed that time last year.

Amazing what a year can do to you…….


Click here to read about my previous weight loss success with The Dukan Diet.


Click here to learn more about The Dukan Diet and how it works!

The post The Dukan Diet – Round 2 (Because of Baby #3) appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.

https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/the-dukan-diet-round-2-after-baby-3/feed/ 1
I lost 18 Pounds in 8 Weeks on The Dukan Diet! https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/i-lost-18-pounds-in-8-weeks-on-the-dukan-diet/ https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/i-lost-18-pounds-in-8-weeks-on-the-dukan-diet/#comments Sat, 11 Aug 2012 22:54:10 +0000 https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/?p=41313 I started The Dukan Diet on June 19th. Just 8 weeks later, I’ve lost 18 pounds! I did a photo shoot on June 18th, wearing a pair of size 28 Yummie Tummie Slimming Jeans. They were a little bit snug and looking back now I think I must have been poured into them… I putContinue Reading

The post I lost 18 Pounds in 8 Weeks on The Dukan Diet! appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.


I started The Dukan Diet on June 19th. Just 8 weeks later, I’ve lost 18 pounds!

I did a photo shoot on June 18th, wearing a pair of size 28 Yummie Tummie Slimming Jeans. They were a little bit snug and looking back now I think I must have been poured into them… I put them on today and was so amazed at how BIG they are on me now! I decided they would be perfect to show you some before and after pictures!!

Here is a side by side comparison of June 18th at 128 pounds and today, August 11th at 110 pounds.

You can clearly see I lost at least 10 pounds just on my hips, thighs and butt. The biggest loss in inches, was definitely my butt…

When I started, my measurements were:

  • Waist: 31 inches
  • Hips: 37 inches
  • Butt: 42 inches
  • Thighs: 24 inches (around each thigh)

And now, my measurements are:

  • Waist: 24 inches
  • Hips: 32 inches
  • Butt: 35 inches
  • Thighs: 18 inches (around each thigh)

That’s epic.

I can contribute this success to Zaggora Hot Pants as well, which I wore for approximately 3 weeks out of the 8 weeks I was on the diet.

About Zaggora Hot Pants

Women lose weight 4x faster wearing HotPants™! Specially designed with Celu-Lite technology fabric lining, HotPants™ enhance your natural body temperature to warm you up in the areas you want to target most (thighs, bum, and legs).

Tested at the Chelsea School at Brighton University, HotPants™ are proven to use your body heat to increase energy expenditure before and after exercise by raising your core body temperature by up to 18%. Since you’re heating up and your body is using more energy, you are burning more calories; calorie burn increases by 26% in the hour after exercise with HotPants™ too. As we all know, as you burn calories, you lose weight.

It says to wear them for 2 weeks to lose up to 2 pant sizes. I was super excited to find that I lost a whole pants after just THREE DAYS of wearing them. I’ve worn/tried/reviewed a lot of clothing items that promised to burn calories and make you lose inches, but this is the FIRST TIME I have ever seen anything like this actually work. I’m really impressed. It’s seriously better than liposuction! I can see a difference in the appearance and texture of my skin as well. No wonders why celeb Denise Richards wears them.

I never thought losing weight would be so easy as it has been on the Dukan Diet. I would HIGHLY recommend this diet to anyone who has some will power. If you can commit to sticking with this diet, no matter what, you WILL see amazing results. If looking good and feeling good about yourself is more important to you than 5 minutes of pleasure for you tongue, then you can totally do this diet successfully!

I don’t think I would recommend this diet to someone who gives into temptation easily, has an extremely busy lifestyle and is prone to giving in to temptation. If that describes you, then you might be better off trying Sensa. If you love food and can’t imagine giving up anything that you love to eat and looking good isn’t more important to you than FOOD, then the Dukan Diet would be a little difficult for you. I mean, you could do it, but you would seriously need some will power!

I would also recommend doing a 3 or 5 day juice fast like Ritual Cleanse. This can help reset your bad eating habits and get your system ready for a change. If you get good results you may want to consider an even longer juice fast.

The diet really isn’t that hard to stick to and some of the food is really yummy! A couple days ago I made a ginger chicken stir fry that was soooo delicious!

Instead of stir-frying in oil, I used low-sodium organic chicken broth to cook the chicken in, then I added the spices, then the peppers and mushrooms. After everything was cooked, I added 1/8 tsp of cornstarch to thicken the broth and turn it into a sauce. It was soooo yummy. I used fresh shredded ginger and organic ginger powder as well. Even my husband liked this one!

I urge you to check out The Dukan Diet: 2 Steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep It Off Forever and The Dukan Diet Cookbook: The Essential Companion to the Dukan Diet.

If I can do it, so can you!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I received the Dukan Diet book, the Dukan Cookbook, Dukan Organic Oat Bran, Dukan Stevia and Dukan Cocoa Powder to review on The Fashionable Housewife. I have NOT received compensation for posting about the diet! Posting about my weight loss is entirely my choice. I am not being paid to review the Dukan Diet or to lose weight. (Unfortunately!) This is raw footage into my personal weight loss experience, I just received the books and a couple Dukan products to “review” which is helping me on my own personal journey. Please email me or leave a comment if you have any questions/concerns!

The post I lost 18 Pounds in 8 Weeks on The Dukan Diet! appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.

https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/i-lost-18-pounds-in-8-weeks-on-the-dukan-diet/feed/ 12