Having a period isn’t the most comfortable thing to experience. As much as you want to avoid getting your period, your body needs to go through it monthly as it’s the process of releasing tissues from your body that it no longer needs. Having your period helps in keeping your body clean every month.
The only way that you can escape your menstrual cycle is by getting pregnant and experiencing menopause. Other factors may also cause your period to come late, such as having PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome), a chronic disease, and thyroid issues. Ideally, you must have your menstruation every 28 days, although it can go longer or shorter than this. As long as it’s within the 21-40-day frame, it’s still normal.
While you can’t escape having your menstrual cycle, you can manage your period using menstrual protection products, allowing you to feel as comfortable as possible. Here are the different ways you can manage your menstrual cycle:
Wear Pads, Cups, Or Period Panties
It’s always necessary that you manage your period well using pads (known as menstrual pads or sanitary napkins), tampons, or period panties, such as those from Knix.
The use of pads, menstrual cups, or period panties is necessary when you have your period as they help absorb or collect the blood that’s being released from your body, allowing for more comfortable movements and promoting proper hygiene.
On your heavy days, it’s ideal that you wear high-absorbent pads or a menstrual cup to keep you comfortable throughout the day and prevent period stains from ruining your pants or skirt.
Based on your preference, you can choose which one you find most comfortable using. If you’re an advocate of saving the environment, you can go for period panties or menstrual cups, as with proper cleaning, these options can be reused.
Use Heating Pads
During your period, you’re most likely to experience cramps, and that’s completely normal. Cramps happen during your period as your uterus contracts forcefully, causing it to press against nearby blood vessels, making it cut off oxygen in your uterus. When there’s a lack of oxygen in your uterus, cramping happens.
As it’s normal to experience period cramps, you can always achieve relief using a heating pad. You can use a heating a pad, wheat bag, or hot water bottle and apply it on the area of your uterus and where you experience the most pain.
If you want to maximize the use of heat to make you feel better, you can always take a warm bath to help relieve cramps. Just make sure that your water is clean and is free from any additives as it can enter your body, which tends to be more open during your period.
While you’re on your period, you can practice breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga to help you be calm and put your attention away from the pain if you’re experiencing menstrual cramps. If the cramps are intense, you could take over-the-counter pain relievers. However, if your period cramps persist, you should consult with your OB-GYN to have a proper diagnosis of your condition.
Moreover, when working out during your period, opt for less intense movements to avoid exacerbating the pain you may be feeling, especially when you’re suffering from cramps.
Have A Healthy Diet
When you’re on your period, you must eat healthy foods that could help you lessen symptoms such as headaches, nausea, bloating, and mood swings, to name a few. You should consume healthy foods, such as:
- Fruits – You should consume water-rich foods to promote additional hydration in your body, such as watermelon and cucumber. Consuming sweet fruits can help you satisfy your sugary cravings, allowing you to be healthy.
- Leafy Green Vegetables – When you have your period, it’s only typical that your iron levels drop. To keep your iron levels at an optimal state, you should consume leafy green vegetables as they’re high in iron.
- Water – You should consume lots of water during your menstrual cycle to keep yourself hydrated as your body releases a decent amount of blood from your body.
Consuming healthy foods is essential, most especially when you’re on your period, to help you ease any pains that you’re experiencing.
Mark Your Calendar
One of the most important things you have to do is to always mark your calendar the day when your period starts, as well as the day it stops. It’ll help you determine your next cycle, and can be used as a basis when consulting with your OB-GYN.
There are plenty of period tracking apps for your phone as well as smartwatches that can track your period too. You can also get the Ava Bracelet to track your cycles and learn when your fertile days are. Ava tracks multiple physiological parameters to recognize a woman’s most fertile days in real time.*
While having your menstrual cycle can be quite uncomfortable, it’s a normal phase that women go through. As unfavorable as it is, you should learn how to manage it well as it’ll occur throughout your lifetime monthly until you’re on your menopause period. While menstrual cramps are normal, you should also be aware if they get too intense as it could be a sign of an illness that you’re not aware you have.