Hearing health is something that should never be neglected. While it’s believed that it only gets worse once you age, that’s further from the case. Every day, every week, you should look into ways to keep your hearing health in check. Just like with your eyes or the rest of your body, it takes one mistake to make a difference. There are more than enough noteworthy ways to keep your hearing in check. Here are a few of them to help you have the best hearing and ear health possible.
1. Take Care of Your Ears with Ear Cleansing
Ear care is a crucial component of overall health. Ear cleaning is the process of removing dirt, wax, and other debris from the ear canal. You can get tinnitus if you don’t clear out your ears regularly. But if you’re worried about doing a bad job with cleaning, you can always visit an audiologist to help you clean your ears. But there are plenty of eco-friendly ear cleaning tools to help you too.
2. Avoid Loud Noise At Events
We all know that loud sounds can cause damage to our hearing and even lead to tinnitus and hearing loss. But did you know that there are also other effects on our health? Chances are, you can’t always avoid loud noises; some environments can’t be controlled. But you must keep in mind that there are habits that damage your hearing such as having your TV too loud or earphones on full blast.
3. Improve Your Diet for Better Hearing
Many people think that hearing health can only be improved with age. However, a few foods can help improve your diet for better hearing health. The following are some of the food items you should include in your diet for better hearing health:
– Salmon
– Eggs
– Dark chocolate
– Apples
– Spinach
These contain vitamins that help your hearing and other aspects of your health improve. Health starts in the kitchen!
4. Have a Regular Check Up and Watch Out for Early Signs of Damage or Degeneration in Your Hearing
Hearing loss is one of the most common health issues. Hearing loss can happen at any age, but it is more common in older adults. The most common cause of hearing loss is exposure to loud sounds or noise over a long period. It can also be caused by aging or genetics. Hearing loss may not have symptoms until it has already progressed to a severe level, making prevention an important step. The first step in prevention is having regular check-ups and watching out for early signs of damage or degeneration in your hearing. It is also essential to visit a doctor regularly and have regular checkups. This will include seeing an audiologist, not just a regular GP.
5. Talk to Your Doctor About Hearing Health
Hearing loss is a condition that can affect people of all ages. The most common cause of hearing loss is age-related, but it can also be caused by exposure to loud noise, ototoxic drugs, disease, or genetics. Talking to your doctor about hearing health is important in preventing the condition from worsening. Ideally, you should visit your audiologist annually.
Age isn’t the only thing that can affect your hearing though. Summertime means going to the beach, pools, waterparks, and lakes which can mean ear ailments like swimmer’s ear, which leads to more than 2.4 million doctors’ visits and more than $500 million in health care costs, according to the CDC! Yikes.
Although swimmer’s ear is pretty famous for ruining summer plans, it’s not the only risk to your child’s ear health during the summer. Everything from air travel and temperature changes to prolonged exposure to air conditioned air can cause everything from pain and irritation, and if left untreated, ear infections can easily develop. All of these things make the summer a particularly busy time for ear health issues.
Here are some simple tips from ear care company Eosera’s CEO, Elyse Dickerson, on how to manage your children’s ear health this summer:
- Excessive earwax – while ear wax is a normal part of a healthy ear, too much of it can create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, especially when introduced to water! If your child reports any feelings of fullness or difficulty hearing, get them checked out or invest in an OTC earwax removal solution like Eosera’s Ear Wax MD before hitting the beach or pool
- Flight safety – changes in pressure can cause pain, discomfort, and even a ruptured eardrum in extreme cases. Board flights prepared with items such as earplugs or gum – even taking an antihistamine ahead of flights could help with ear popping.
- Stock your medicine cabinet – preparation is key in the summer when it comes to stopping problems at the root. Stocking up on some OTC remedies like Eosera’s Ear Itch MD and Ear Pain MD can help prevent your child from missing out on activities that they otherwise might not in the case of an ear ailment.
- Reduce exposure to loud noises – summer often means an increase in activities like fireworks and concerts that can be tough on our eardrums. Consider arming yourself and your children with earplugs to keep damage at bay, or stay farther away from the source of the noise.