The perfect boho chic outfit for a weekend at the beach or a girl’s night out. This summery top offers plenty of versatility and can be paired with more than just pants and ballet flats. Be creative and see what you can come up with!
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The perfect boho chic outfit for a weekend at the beach or a girl’s night out. This summery top offers plenty of versatility and can be paired with more than just pants and ballet flats. Be creative and see what you can come up with!
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Sarah-Jean Ballard is the Editor in Chief of The Fashionable Housewife blog and Founder of Fashionable Media. Married to a sexy Molecular Biologist, housewife, mom to 5, homeschooler, Certified Personal Nutritionist and entrepreneur who's mission is to help moms just like you look and feel GREAT! Other interests include dancing, yoga, positive intactivism, natural birth and breastfeeding support, babywearing, paleo & gluten-free cooking, and promoting an overall healthy lifestyle to all.
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