Many women across the world describe being pregnant as an amazing experience, and the process really does show how incredible our bodies can be. However, through the 40 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes, you might face certain changes. In this article, we’ll talk about six unexpected things that can happen during your pregnancy.
Hair Growth
Hormone changes in the body can promote hair growth during pregnancy, so you can get excited and welcome gorgeous thick, and luscious locks! However, you may also notice hair growing in other places, where it normally didn’t before! This can include your face, arms, abdomen, and chest.
Cardiac Arrest
While it isn’t commonly talked about, cardiac arrest can occur during pregnancy. This is because the body experiences changes to accommodate for the fetus, including a 20% increase in oxygen consumption. With the added increased hormones, cardiac arrest can be life-threatening to both the baby and mother. To help prepare yourself for all scenarios, try learning cpr on pregnant women.
Restless Leg Syndrome
While the full cause of restless leg syndrome is still unknown, around 1/3 of expecting mothers experience it at some point in their pregnancy. It can be described as a burning or itching sensation that causes them to move their legs constantly. If you think you are experiencing restless leg syndrome, speak to your doctor about possible solutions. They may check your iron levels, and in some instances, prescribe medication.
Skin Tags
Skin tags are small growths that can appear in areas that are frequently rubbed or damp. They cause no harm, so there is no reason to be concerned if you notice them appearing. You can choose to get them removed by a dermatologist after pregnancy, but a lot of the time, they can disappear on their own.
Carpel Tunnel
The carpel tunnel is a small section in the wrist, that is known to retain fluid during pregnancy. This is because of the body’s hormones, which can cause pins and needles, aches, and pains. Doctors recommend avoiding repetitive movements and heavy lifting if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. You can also wear a compression garment or splint to help keep your hand in a neutral position.
Food Intolerances
Pregnancy is an exciting thing, and sometimes changes happen in our body that we can’t explain. In fact, around 1/3 of pregnant women have said that before conceiving, they had food intolerances which completely disappeared during pregnancy. Another 1/3 said their symptoms got worse, while the remainder said they stayed the same. While there is still much research to be done about this, it certainly is unusual!
If you feel that you are struggling with any of the above changes, make sure you speak to your local GP about specific solutions. Just remember that you are not alone, and there are many other women out there that face these similar symptoms. You can do this, and soon you’ll be on your way to meet your little miracle!